News updates


History walk with the Fulham Society on 19 October

On Saturday 19 October at 2pm, Rebecca and Francois will be leading a walk in the cemetery with members of the Fulham Society. Fulham Cemetery Friends are also most welcome! We will be talking about the history of the cemetery and pointing out some of the most interesting graves and trees. (The Fulham Society also have another walk on 7 November looking at the history of the riverside.)


Funding successful for bird and bat boxes!

The Fulham Cemetery Friends' application to the Veolia Sustainability Fund has been successful. We have been awarded £603, which will pay for:


Fulham Cemetery Friends have partnered with St John's school in Munster Road to have a planting day with Year 6 schoolchildren, on Wednesday afternoon 23 October. Find out more

17/09/2024 • Updated 5/10/2024

Thanks to everyone who came to our fourth meeting on Saturday, 5 October. 18 attendees in total. Here is a summary.

9/08/2024 • Updated 17/9/2024

[Rescheduled from 10 Sep] The council's Ecology Officer, Simone Turner, will lead at bat walk in the cemetery on Tuesday, 17 September. It will start at 18:50 and finish at 21:00, meeting at the chapel. The event is free and everyone is welcome, including well behaved dogs and children. Wear suitable clothing and shoes and bring a small torch. Read more about what we learned


Fulham Cemetery Friends have been awarded a £250 Climate Action Microgrant, for planting native spring bulbs in the cemetery this autumn. Read more


Everyone is invited to an evening walkabout in the cemetery, followed by drinks (BYO), on Tuesday 27 August at 5.30pm, meeting at the chapel. Read more


Thanks to everyone who came to our third meeting Sunday, 23 June. 12 attendees in total. Here is a summary of the meeting.


Tree watering rota

We've had a very wet Spring, but tree watering will start during May. Read on for instructions


Thanks to everyone who came to our second meeting on Saturday. 15 attendees in total. Here is a summary of the meeting


Next walkabout with Council Parks Officer: Fri 22 March 12pm

Read more for details


We are on Facebook!

Thanks very much to FCF member Mark who set up our Facebook group. Read more 


Next meetup on 16 March; gardening on 2 March

The next FCF meetup will be on Saturday 16 March 11:00am at Fulham Cross Girls School. Go to the reception on Munster Road for access. There will be a walkabout in the cemetery afterwards, weather permitting. Read more for details


Gardening in Fulham Cemetery

Impulsively, I started doing some weeding in the cemetery on Saturday morning, 24 February. I only sent an update to the Friends after I had already started. In future, I will announce gardening dates days ahead of time. The next day will be Saturday 2 March from 8am-10am. Read more


First meetup of Fulham Cemetery Friends and walkabout

On Saturday 20 January, 11 members met for the first time, at Café Retro on Munster Road. We were joined by the founder and chair of the Friends of Margravine Cemetery. Afterwards we walked around the cemetery. Read more


Cemetery walk: 36 new trees planted!

On Sunday I walked around the cemetery, and counted 36 new trees planted! I have added a "New trees 2024" layer to the tree map and here is a photo album. Read more


Met with council Parks officers

This week I met with the Council's Parks Officer, Pauline McCormack, and the Parks Tree Officer, Tom Bach. They are very happy that Fulham Cemetery finally has a volunteer group! Here is what we talked about: Read more


Added to Fulham Society website

At the Fulham Society AGM I introduced the Fulham Cemetery Friends to everyone. A link to Fulham Cemetery Friends was added to the Fulham Society website.


First meetup planned: 20 January

Fulham Cemetery Friends will meet at Retro Café on Munster Road on Saturday 20 January at 11am, to say hello and discuss our plans. If weather permits, we can have a walk in the cemetery afterwards.